Romanian drug control authorities report that harm reduction programs in that country served 17,646 people during the period 2004-2011, of whom 3,135 were sole beneficiaries. This includes 7,356 served through fixed harm reduction centers (cumulative 2007-2011), of whom 3,135 were sole beneficiaries, and 12,275 served through mobile facilities/outreach (cumulative 2004-2011), of whom 2,040 were sole beneficiaries.
The projects reported distributing 895,110 clean syringes in 2011. They also recovered 316,033 syringes, and distributed 204,099 condoms that year.


"2012 National Report (2011 Data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Romania: New Developments, Trends and In-depth Information on Selected Issues." (2012) Bucharest, Romania: Ministry of Administration and Interior, National Anti-Drug Agency, Romanian Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, p. 148, Tables 7-3 and 7-4.…